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Psychographic messages analysis

Psychography has long been challenging skeptics, not only because of the large number of occurrences, but also because of their accuracy and verifiability. The so-called "psychographed messages" are received from deceased persons through so-called "mediums", that is, people who possess the gift of mediumship, which is the capacity for interaction with the spiritual world.


In the past, it was usual to hear a lot of people who did not believe in the possibility of the afterlife saying: "nobody has come back to tell!" However, nowadays, with the immense amount of psychographed messages that have been coming up and being released, bringing in detailed information about the person who sent them and, regardless of the belief or religion of the families receiving such messages, it is completely impossible to say that "nobody has come back to tell". Indeed, many are returning not only to report their experiences in spirituality, but also to bring comfort to the pain caused by death.

If we were to describe here all the messages psychographed not only by Chico Xavier but also by hundreds of mediums who have, to this day, receiving communications from the spiritual plane, we would surely need thousands of pages. Such messages are increasingly an indisputable proof of the existence of life after death, and those who deny such a possibility are not capable of presenting a more logical and consistent explanation to this phenomenon.


So, it is easier, simply and maliciously, try to somehow discredit the medium, accusing him of "charlatanism". In Chico Xavier’s case, if his work were a farce, we would certainly have to consider him as the greatest "genius" of charlatanism and counterfeiting of all time. He would also have unmatched mental qualities, an incomparable memory, genius literary skills, being able to forge perfect imitations of great writers in our history.


So, let us analyze: How could someone spend more than 70 uninterrupted years fooling such a large number of people? As we can see in all the messages received, the family of the person who sent the messages, especially the parents, all confirm their authenticity. Many messages even included details that only the parents knew, or some that neither the family had knowledge, and came to discover it after the message was written.


Moreover, what would be the purpose of such a "farce", since Chico never charged a penny for his psychic work, nor could he do it, otherwise he would be going against the principles of Spiritism that is radically contrary to any kind of payment for such messages?

In 2008, I had the opportunity to attend a psychography session that was held in the city of São Paulo by the medium Celso de Almeida Afonso from the city of Uberaba, named by Chico himself as one of the continuators of his work. I was able to personally verify the entire psychographic process, and witness personally the seriousness and authenticity of such a phenomenon.


Before the session, the medium received in a small room, privately, each one who had been there in the hope of receiving a message from a loved one. But in this brief meeting, he did not ask any questions about the person who had died, to supposedly “pick up” details to be used in the psychographed message, as some critics claim. It was only asked to put on a paper the name of the person and the date of his or her death.

During the process of psychography, the messages were written at such a large and uninterrupted speed, that an assistant was needed to change the sheets of paper. At the end of the session, all messages were read immediately to those present at the reunion, without any revision. All this process demonstrates the impossibility of any insertion of information by the medium.


 Messages received in other languages













 Psychographic messages used as evidence in courts













3 famous messages psychographed by Chico Xavier

I will present below three messages psychographed by Chico Xavier which, because of their wealth of information, will greatly contribute to those who wish to study the evidence of the continuity of life after death. Many of the details contained in the messages were the exclusive knowledge of the family and some not even the family knew about.


Manoel Francisco Neto message


Roberto Muszkat message


Rangel Diniz Rodrigues (Tetéo) message

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