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“Those who do not want to believe in Reincarnation should never analyze it under the rigor of Logic, because by doing it, they will inevitably have to validate it" (F.C. Perini)

"The Logic of Reincarnation" is the result of more than 30 years of research and personal studies, and presents historical, biblical, material, scientific, and especially logical arguments in the search for the most coherent, consistent and rational answers to questions that Humans have always tried to answer since antiquity, such as: "What is the cause of human suffering?" And "What will be our fate after the death of the physical body?"

It is a study based primarily on logic and reason, completely free of any religious dogmas that might compromise its impartiality. However, it is not intended to "prove" the existence of successive lives, or the continuity of life after the death of the physical body, nor put them as "Absolute Truths", since science itself does not yet have resources to offer a conclusive proof that can meet all the requirements and rigors of scientific proof, because it is a field that transcends the Laws of the material world as we know it to this day.

However, as the reader will see throughout this work, the logical, historical, material and scientific evidences that point to the continuity of our consciousness after the death of the physical body and the consequent return in another material body are so consistent, that it is practically, If not completely impossible, for those who are really willing to carry out a rigorous analysis, denying its existence.

It is also important to emphasize that this work is not intended to condemn or denigrate any kind of religion, belief or philosophy, whatever it may be. Freedom of religious belief is one of the inalienable rights of the human being, including article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the 58 member states of the United Nations on December 10, 1948, where we find the following quotation: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion”

Our position is therefore not against any religion or doctrine, but against the radicalism and intolerance that are the greatest inciters of confrontations and wars and the factor that  most contributes to the backwardness of humanity in all sectors.

The word religion comes from the Latin "religare" and indicates the "reconnection", that is the "meeting" of the man with God. However, we must see the universalist meaning of this word, that is, no religion is superior to another, no people is superior to another. No one holds the absolute truth! We are all brothers on this earthly journey. True religious people must unite and fight against radicalism, because only this way they will find the true path to God, which is the path of tolerance, universal fraternization and peace.


 “The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.” (H. Jackson Brown)

If we go back only a few centuries ago, we will see that human intelligence did not have knowledge about several phenomena that for us today are so commonplace, such as electricity, radio waves and magnetism that are invisible forces but we all know that they exist! In fact, such forces have always existed, but in the past there was no technology to demonstrate or to study them. Therefore, we cannot categorically assert that something that is invisible to us and we still do not know completely  does not exist, simply because science cannot yet demonstrate its existence within the four walls of a laboratory.

Throughout history, all the great geniuses who have contributed to the evolution of mankind have had a questioning, rational and, above all, logical mind! Such intelligences helped to overthrow various ideas which at the time were regarded as "Absolute Truths" and which could never be questioned.

Therefore, we must be very careful about the so-called "unquestionable" truths, and when we are going to analyze something about which science still has not been able to provide  a definitive proof, there is no doubt that logic is the best and most powerful tool we can use to lead us to the truth, or as close as possible to it. History shows it.

Following this line of thought, I can say with absolute conviction and certainty that, among all the philosophies presented by the human being to explain transcendental questions, Reincarnation is the one that presents the highest logical consistency and also more material and scientific evidences, as the reader will be able to see  throughout this work, which is divided into three parts:

Part I - "Logic". The first part of this book presents 10 chapters with logical analyzes where, through arguments rigorously structured in premises and conclusions, we can demonstrate the ilogicities and contradictions existing in the main religious dogmas which support the belief in the existence of a single life, and the rational and consistent explanation that only Reincarnation is able to offer..


Part II: "Historical and Biblical Evidence":  The second part presents the historical evidence of Reincarnation, which has been present since the earliest times in the culture of the peoples and was accepted by the greatest geniuses of humanity, while at the same time it has always been fought by the holders of religious power, because they see in it a threat to the control of the believers, practiced by the great religious institutions.

Part III - "Material and scientific evidence": The third part presents an enormous body of material evidence and serious and fully documented scientific research by world-renowned medical and scientific names, that make it virtually impossible to doubt the existence of Reincarnation and a spiritual life after the death of the physical body .



Logic x Faith / Science x Religion

Another important factor to be clarified is that once this is a work primarily based on "logic", it is natural that this concept is used here quite emphatically, because it is the main tool for the development of our reasoning and consequently presentation of our conclusions. However, this does not mean that we are postulating here that the Faith should be replaced by the logic, or the weakening of the religious vision, for the sake of the scientific view. This would be a completely wrong view.

According to Einstein, "Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind," meaning that both religion and science can walk together on the path to the truth. Unfortunately, in practice, this union (Science-Religion) becomes very difficult, due to the existence of radical sectors on both sides. On the scientific side, atheistic scientists, who believe only in matter and experiences that can be demonstrated within the laboratory, completely rule out the possibility of anything that is not subject to rigorous scientific proof.

On the religious side, we have fundamentalists, who believe only in what is written in their "Holy Books", having absolutely no opening for any logical or scientific investigation, completely discarding any theory that comes against the dogmas defended by their doctrines.

However, we observe, in the modern world, the growth of a new class of people with an "spiritualist" and, at the same time, "scientific" view, who are able to reconcile their belief in the existence of an Intelligent Universal Creator (God) with a logical-scientific vision. In the Western world, Spiritism, in my opinion, is the Doctrine that best represents this characteristic of scientific-religious conciliation.

In my view, Spiritists, as well as Spiritualists (people who believe in reincarnation and the survival of the spirit after death), are situated exactly at the center of the frontier between science and religion, where we find at one extreme the materialistic atheists and in the other the religious fundamentalists.

Allan Kardec, the encoder of the Spiritist Doctrine, said: "If science ever proves that Spiritism is wrong at a certain point, leave this point, and stay with science." This demonstrates the attitude of detachment from this doctrine to any kind of dogma and the openness to research and scientific knowledge in the search for truth.


Also according to Kardec, "Unshakeable faith is only the one that can face reason face to face, in all ages of humanity". So I also fully believe that logic and faith can be reconciled and become stronger when they walk together. However, for this to be possible, it is obviously necessary for such a faith to admit the company of reason (reasoned faith), and not what we call "blind faith", which never submits to reason, as we can see below:

Reasoned Faith: Those who possess it keep their faith, but based on logical and coherent arguments, and they are not afraid to compare it with other lines of thought, being even willing to rectify it if they find more consistent arguments, because they pursue, above all, the truth, whatever it may be.

Blind Faith: Those who possess it deem themselves to be holders of the "Absolute Truth" and simply close their eyes to anything different from what they believe in, being completely unable to impartially analyze other arguments and information, however coherent they may be.


As for those who profess the "blind faith", I believe that this work will have little or nothing to offer them, since blind faith and Logic are completely irreconcilable. But for those who are not afraid to expose their beliefs to the light of reason, and do not wish to give up free thought and rational inquiry, I invite them to analyze the arguments and information presented here so that they can come to their own conclusions.

F.C. Perini

  © F. C. Perini - All rights reserved  

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