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    How this work started
"The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth.” (Pierre Abelard)

Ever since I was a child, I have always been curious and inquiring about the mysteries of life, nature and the universe. I used to spend a long time contemplating the stars and I could feel that, behind all that immensity, there was a Higher Force maintaining the universal balance as a conductor rules an orchestra, with supreme intelligence and infinite harmony. But I also felt that this "Universal Intelligence", whom we can call "God", did not fit the image of that "aggressive and vengeful" God preached by Christian religions.

I was born into a Catholic family but, as early as my teenage years, I began to visualize several contradictory points defended by the Church and I realized that it was not able to offer coherent answers to the several questions I had inside me.

That is how I began an ample research trying to find the answers that so much worried me. But it was only in the mid-1980s, when I was just over 20 and studying computer science at the Mackenzie University in São Paulo city that I found the Doctrine that is, at the same time, a Philosophy, a science and a religion, which would bring the answers to all my questions: The Spiritism.

Already in love with the Logic subject which I had been studying at my college course, I was impressed with the absolute rationality brought by the Spiritist codification and the impeccable consistency of its teachings. "The Book of Spirits", by Allan Kardec, finally brought the coherent answers to the questions that for so long disturbed me! Its extremely rational language offers a broad understanding of the Laws governing the Universe and a completely different view of the Universal Creator.

 The challenge which gave rise to the work "The Logic of Reincarnation"

At this time, still very young and impetuous, with the spiritist and logical concepts simmering on my mind, I used to engage in heated debates with people from other religious segments, and it began to draw my attention to the fact that such people were incapable to offer any refutation based on logic to the arguments I had put forward. Their arguments were limited to "reciting" biblical passages, without any logical foundation or concern about their coherence and rationality.


So, one day, after endless discussions with a person belonging to a Christian church, I decided to issue a challenge: I would put into the paper the arguments which supported my studies, based on the Doctrine of Reincarnation and, if she or any person from her church could present a logical refutation to any of the arguments, I would immediately convert to her doctrine! Challenge accepted, this person talked to the pastors from her Church, who told her they would be waiting for the material with my study, committing to analyze it and then holding a debate with me.


However, after the delivery of the material, days passed, then weeks, and later months, and the pastors have never come to hold the debate, to the indignation of the person who gave them the material, who tried several times to convince them to comply with what had been agreed, unsuccessfully. In fact, it became clear for me that, after knowing the content of the work, the pastors understood that they would not be able to present a logical counter argument. This challenge was the "pilot study" that gave rise to the work "The Logic of Reincarnation".

Development of work


In the late 1990s, already on the internet age, I began to spread this work through a website and later in social networks, where I sought to bring people information not only about reincarnation, but also on issues related to Spiritism and the afterlife.

The virtual environment made it possible to exchange information with an enormous number of people, as well as discussions with followers of other religious denominations such as Evangelicals, Catholics and even Atheists. In such debates two basic prerequisites were always required: Keeping it only within the field of logical argumentation and unconditional respect for any religion, belief or philosophy.

Throughout this period, the work became more and more consistent and my research increasingly deepened. In 2015 I felt that the time had come to turn this work into a book, trying to make it quite didactic and easy reading, aimed at people who, like me in the past, eagerly searched for answers. Other two years of work improvement followed and in early 2017 I launched the E-book "The Logic of Reincarnation.".

I think this is a very appropriate moment: Planet Earth is going through a time of great transformation, science is becoming stronger and begins to unveil new worlds and new dimensions. A growing number of people begin to awaken to the existence of an extra material reality and "fear" of questioning is being increasingly overcome by rational pursuit. Information crosses the world at the speed of the internet and it is no longer possible to hide or distort it.


Those who refuse to open their minds to modernity will be stationed in the past, stucked in old-fashioned concepts, hostage to their own fear of evolving and understanding the incredible universe around us, which is far greater than we imagine.

  © F. C. Perini - All rights reserved  

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