Truths Jesus could not say: The promised consoler

“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. (John 16:12,13)
The meaning of the passage above is very clear: Jesus could not reveal all the truths he wished he had revealed! And He explains that such truths would be more than the people of that time could bear. This biblical passage makes it very clear that Jesus could not reveal many things because it would be impossible to "understand" when there was still no "knowledge", that is, there was still no scientific development at Jesus' time which could allow the assimilation of such truths. So, what truths were these that depended on an intellectual and technological advance for them to be revealed?
The "truths" that Jesus could not reveal depended on the emergence of Science, because they related to things that are invisible to our eyes! Modern science, which would bring the necessary foundation to the understanding of such "Truths", began to develop in Europe only in the sixteenth century. With the emergence of science, man began to understand not only the origin and structure of the entire universe, of stars and galaxies, but also the tiniest particles of matter, cells, molecules, atoms, electrons, and even smaller subdivisions .
It uncovered the existence of invisible forces, such as electricity and electromagnetism. Things about which two thousand years ago humans had no idea. And this new knowledge came to prepare the human understanding for the beginning of the study and the understanding of the existence of an extra-physical dimension, the dimension of the Spirit! From the view that everything in the universe is energy, including matter itself, which is nothing more than energy in a condensed state.
This set of knowledge paved the way for the truths that Jesus could not say. Thus came Spiritism, a doctrine codified by Allan Kardec, just as the world began to develop scientific knowledge, and therefore had already conditions to begin to understand truths that previously, without this knowledge, would never be understood.
Through Spiritism, which is, at the same time, a science, a philosophy and a religion, we can have access to detailed technical explanations regarding the continuity of the afterlife and the entire process of Reincarnation, which had already been a belief since antiquity, but lacked more detailed knowledge that only the Spiritism would bring. All this information would not be possible to convey at Jesus’ time.
Obviously, traditional Christians do not accept Spiritism as the “Promised Consoler" because of a whole religious culture that was created in the West with the emergence of the Church and the maintenance of its political-religious power, based on dogmas that cannot be questioned.
But let us analyze: In the last two millennia, Christianity has broken up into innumerable different branches: Orthodox Church, Roman Catholic Church; Protestant Church and within it the most diverse derivations such as Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Presbyterian Church and many other ramifications.
Which of these religions, or any other religion in the world, in these last two thousand years, has brought some new "truth" or revelation that clearly could not be understood at the time of Jesus?
All these ramifications have in the Bible the basis of their doctrines, however, none of them showed any great revelation that, to be understood, would depend on a scientific advance, as it happens with Spiritism. None of them revealed truths that Jesus could not have said at that time because of the "lack of understanding", as mentioned in the Bible passage.
And indeed, we find that Spiritism is, as Kardec asserted, the only doctrine known to mankind that has a double character of revelation: the divine character and the scientific character
“By its nature, the spiritual revelation has a two fold character: it is at the same time a divine and a scientific revelation. It is the first in that its coming is providential, and not the result of the initiative and premeditative design of man. The fundamental points of the doctrine being the fact of the teaching given by spirits commissioned by God to enlighten men concerning things whereof they were ignorant, - things they could not learn by themselves and which it is important for them to know today, as they are ready to comprehend them.
It is the second because it informs us that this teaching is a privilege granted to no one individual, but that it is given to all the world by the same means (or in the same way) that those who transmit and those who receive it are not passive beings, excused from the work of observation and research; that they are not called upon to abnegate their judgment and their free will, that their control of themselves is not interdicted but on the contrary, recommended; and, finally, that the whole doctrine has not been enunciated in every part, nor imposed upon blind belief, but is deduced by the work of man, by the observation of facts that the spirits place before us. The instructions that they give to us to compel us to study, comment, compare, until we arrive at a knowledge of consequences and applications.
In short, that which characterizes the spiritual revelation is the divine source from which it proceeds: - that the initiative belongs to the spirits and that the elaboration is the work of man.” ("Genesis", chapter I, item 13).
Returning to Jesus’ words:
“I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever - the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him (…) He will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you (John, 14: 15 / 26)
In the passage above, Jesus said he would send another "Consoler" that the world cannot receive because “it neither sees him nor knows him” , that is, if the world cannot see it is because it is invisible to the material eyes. And this consoler would "teach all things" and "remind us of all that he had said." If there were still "things to teach" it is because Jesus could not teach everything.
“I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? (John 3, 12)
Even today, with all the technology and information available to everyone's access, we see how there are still people who resist detaching themselves from such old dogmas and such "incoherent truths" so inconsistent and full of contradictions. How many still doubt that man really went to the moon! Imagine then, two thousand years ago, how unprepared the human being was to receive such revelations.
In this way, Spiritism can be rightly be called "The consoler", because it brought answers to questions that, until then, the traditional Doctrines could not present a logical explanation, at the same time that it reminds all Jesus’ teachings, reinforcing them with the light of science and reason. Those teachings comfort us, for they give us the assurance that life continues, that our spirit is immortal, and we are not subject to the wrath of a merciless God, but under the tutelage of a Universal Intelligence, infinitely wise, just and merciful!