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Use of Graphoscopy for authentication of psychographic messages

                                                        Dr. Carlos Augusto Perandrea


 Graphoscopy is a science that studies the writing produced by the hands in order to determine its exact correspondence between the person to whom the authorship of the writing is attributed and the person who made it, making it possible to verify its  authenticity or falsity, through the study of the characteristics that individualize it.

  This technique has helped Judges, Lawyers, Prosecutors and other professionals in the  Justice area to clarify, in an impartial, unequivocal and conclusive way, questions and doubts regarding calligraphic issues questioned in the judicial sphere, as well as in the private and administrative, when there is a need to verify authenticity or not of a manuscript, through the technical and scientific knowledge of an expert.


The renowned expert in Graphoscopy, Dr. Carlos Augusto Perandrea, Criminologist, Judicial Expert in Documentoscopy; Professor at the State University of Londrina since 1972 (Legal Medicine - Graphology Identification  - Law Course) carried out a research work that lasted 14 years, and wrote the book “Psicografia à luz da Grafoscopia” ("Psychography under the  light of Graphoscopy"), where he examined dozens of letters psychographed by Chico Xavier, giving a favorable opinion in all of them. It is an unprecedented scientific work published in the Scientific Semina Magazine of the State University of Londrina.

The author compares, in his work, the letter of the individual before death with the letter contained in psychographic messages, received through Chico, analyzing in technical report and reaching the conclusion of graphic authenticity.

Among the cases examined by Perandréa, one of the most interesting was the message psychographed by Chico Xavier on July 22, 1978, in Italian language from the spirit of Ilda Mascaro Saullo, who died in Rome on December 20, 1977, directed to her relatives living in Brazil. Chico did not speak or write the Italian language.














In his book, Perandrea performs a thorough study comparing the spelling of a text written by Ilda Mascaro's own fist when she was alive with the spelling of the message received by the medium Chico Xavier. The figure below shows the incredible similarities


After the examinations made on the basis of the technical-scientific studies of graphoscopy, the investigation could prove without doubt its veracity, reaching the following categorical results:

"The message psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, on July 22, 1978, attributed to Ilda Mascaro Saullo, contains photographic demonstration in considerable "number" and "quality" and irrefutable characteristics of graphic genesis sufficient for the revelation and identification of Ilda Mascaro Saullo as author of the questioned message ".

Some skeptics question why the letter of the psychographic messages is not always 100% similar to the letter of the deceased person. It is necessary to clarify that, during the process of psychography, the spirit "conducts" the medium's hand, causing the letter to undergo some alteration.

This can be easily seen if we ask a person to hold a pen on paper and, holding his hand, we write a text. The resulting letter will obviously not be exactly like our original one, when we write with our own hand, but it will be possible to recognize traces of similarity in the text sufficient to prove it's ours.

These similarities, identified through the graphoscopy expertise, such as those performed by Dr.

Perandrea, are sufficient to conclusively and unequivocally confirm its authorship.

  © F. C. Perini - All rights reserved  

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